



gpk电子's 2024 毕业典礼

Congratulations, soon-to-be graduates! We look forward to celebrating with you and your special guests on 2024年5月4日, 在历史悠久的梅戴尔! The ceremony will start at 10:00 am and will end at approximately 12:00 pm.


You can view a livestream of the commencement ceremony by viewing the video on the right or clicking this YouTube link.


Commencement is a formal ceremony, officiated by the President of gpk电子. It is the celebration of your academic accomplishments with peers, family, and friends. gpk电子 holds one ceremony in the spring. Commencement is a ticketed event. Student registration will open on March 20, 2024. Academic regalia is 要求 to participate.

Commencement registration will open on March 20, 2024.  

Only students may register for tickets and are eligible for up to eight guest tickets. Instructions will be sent to your student email.

Children 2 and under do not require a ticket if sitting on an adult’s lap. Strollers are prohibited in the May Dell.


本科 and graduate students attending the Ceremony of Names on May 2 will be given their tickets during the ceremony.

For those unable to attend the ceremony, ticket pickup will be from 8:30 am to 9:30 am the morning of Commencement in front of the Elberson Fine Arts Center located at 412 Rams Drive, 温斯顿-gpk电子,北卡罗来纳州27101.

Make sure to distribute tickets to your guests before the Commencement lineup. 


Students and guests who need ADA accommodations should indicate their needs during ticket registration.

There will be designated seating for guests in wheelchairs and those with difficulty walking. We ask that only one other guest sit within the reserved seating section. 座位有限.

For guests with difficulty tolerating outdoor temperatures, a live feed of the Commencement ceremony will be available in Bryant Hall, located next to the MayDell. Commencement ceremony tickets are 要求 for admission to Bryant Hall, and space is limited.

gpk电子 does not provide wheelchairs for guests.


Photo Specialties will be 在典礼上 to capture your special moment. Photo packages will be available for purchase after the ceremony. Photo Specialties will send free color proofs and order instructions to each graduate’s email and permanent mailing address.


Family and Guest Information

Due to security measures, guests are encouraged not to bring bags. All bags are subject to search. Water bottles and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted. Alcohol, of any kind is prohibited. The following items are not permitted in the May Dell during Commencement: coolers, 雨伞, 婴儿车, 气球, 宠物/动物, 或者噪音制造者. If you are obstructing another’s view of the ceremony, you will be asked to move to the back. 

Restrooms are available in Bryant Hall and Elberson Fine Arts Center. ​

Smoking or vaping is prohibited on campus.

In the event of rain, commencement exercises may continue outdoors in the May Dell. Please bring your rain gear. 禁止携带雨伞.


All guests and graduates may park in the lot of the Elberson Fine Arts Center. The FAC is located at 412 Rams Club Drive, 温斯顿-gpk电子,北卡罗来纳州27101.


If we move to a severe weather plan, Commencement will occur in Hanes Auditorium in the Fine Arts Center. 

If severe weather is likely, gpk电子 will announce a decision regarding the severe weather plan on the homepage of the Commencement website, 学生的电子邮件, 以及当地媒体.

In the event of rain, commencement exercises may continue outdoors in the May Dell. Please bring your rain gear. 禁止携带雨伞.

If the severe weather plan is implemented, Commencement will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Elberson Fine Arts Center.

常见 问题

Are we 要求 to attend rehearsal at the Ceremony of Names?

Rehearsal is encouraged for our Fleer and Grad students and is 要求 for traditional, undergraduate students. We will be distributing your admission tickets for Commencement and passing out Latin Honor cords, 如果适用的话, 在典礼上.

On which side do I wear my tassel?

本科生 should wear your tassels on the right and will turn your tassels during the ceremony.  研究生 should wear their tassels on the left and will not turn their tassels during the ceremony.

Will Commencement be live-streamed?

是的.  You may share the link to the Commencement webpage with your family and friends, and they will be able to watch the event live:  萨勒姆.edu/commencement


For additional questions, email 萨勒姆.Commencement@萨勒姆.edu

© gpk电子 2024, All rights reserved.